We recently received 60 additional posters from the sixties and seventies for the Albert G. Cohen Campus Ministry, Social Justice and Environment Collection .
The two shown here were part of a series of 12 posters issued by the International Labour Organization, based on an animated film that they produced in 1974. The drawings were by Bjorn Frank Jensen, Toonder Studios, Netherlands.
The issue then was "300 Million! That's the number of additional people that will be looking for work in the world during the next 10 years. The question is: Will there be enough work for them?"
The Rev. Cohen, a campus minister for many years at California State University Los Angeles, was active in social justice causes and population and environmental issues. For additional information about his work, please see his online finding aid or contact GTU archives at either 510-647-2507 or 2523 or email archives at gtu.edu.