This article and others in the issue not only provide an excellent supporting reference to our Oral History of the GTU Collection but also to the Robert McAfee Brown Exhibit (October 1 through January 15) that is being installed in the library this week.

Brown (1920-2001) is remembered as one of the Protestants that the Catholics could turn to for ecumenical support. He wrote with Gustave Weigel (1906-64), An American dialogue : a Protestant looks at Catholicism and a Catholic looks at Protestantism (1960). These and other articles and talks in part discuss differences and common ground as well as address the issue of John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, running for president.
For more information, see the Spring 2010 U.S. Catholic Historian in the library. For more information on Brown, visit the exhibit in the library starting next week, view the finding aid or view the online exhibit.