Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt.
One of the books currently on display in the library is the Bible illustrated by Salvadore Dali printed in 1967. The full title is Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis / Sixti V pont. max. iussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita ; imaginibus Salvatoris Dalí exornata.
The Bible is broken down into 5 volumes with 105 illustrations. Our version is number 294 of the 1499 copies of the "luxus" edition, printed on special wood-pulp paper with the Dalí watermark, interspersed with illuminated drawings and bound in natural-colored goatskin, embellished with gold.
We have a separate collection of slides of illustrations. However a website does seem to include thumbnails of most of the images. Additional information on the project can be found at the Park West Gallery website.
The GTU library is exhibiting rare books and materials from the archives through November 25. The books create a great foreground for the C.A.R.E. art exhibit behind the cases.

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