"We give thanks for the earth and its creatures and are grateful from A to Z."
Thanks to some wonderful donors, we have several alphabet books and a number of prayer books for children in our graduate theological library.
Gary Kowalski's book is a simple yet exquisite reminder of the wonders that we need to respect and steward.
A number of our archival collections document the struggles for intelligent stewardship of nature within religious traditions. These include the Starhawk Collection, Dody H. Donnelly Collection, and Albert Cohen Campus Ministry, Social Justice and the Environment Collection. We also manage the Thomas Starr King Collection. King, among many gifts, was one of the most eloquent of nature writers in the 19th century.
Thanks for including my little volume "Earth Day" in the GTU Library. Readers who are interested in environmental theology at a more adult level may enjoy my other books, "The Bible According to Noah: Theology As If Animals Mattered" (Lantern Books, 2001), "The Souls of Animals" (New World Library, 2006) and "Goodbye Friend: Healing Wisdom For Anyone Who Has Ever Lost A Pet" (New World Library, 2006). "Science and the Search for God" (Lantern, 2003) includes chapters on the Gaia Hypothesis, Evolutionary Theory and Process Theology, as well as other scientific topics that support a more holistic, ecological view of nature. Check it out, Earthlings! Rev. Gary Kowalski