Jane Newhall passed away in late July at her summer home in West Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard. A San Francisco resident, she was known for many benevolent acts, including establishing the endowment that funds the Newhall Fellows at GTU. She began serving on the Board of Trustees in 1968, was named a Life Trustee in 1995 and a Trustee Emerita in 1999.
Each year the Graduate Theological Union recognizes a group of doctoral students as Newhall Scholars, providing the opportunity to work collaboratively with core faculty to develop and teach new courses, lead research, and expand the boundaries of innovative scholarship. Hundreds of students at GTU have benefited from her endowment.
This photograph is from the GTU Photograph Collection. For a more personal perspective of her life, see her obituary in the Vineyard Gazette.
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